The Yard - Fixing the Side Yard

The flowerbeds were overgrown and needed to be taken out and redone. This came from my sister Bonnie. Some people might ignore their sister, but my sister has a yard that people stop and take photos of. So if she says it's going, then it is. She and Mike replaced the overgrown mess with a pretty rose garden. My one and only job was to go to the store and buy the roses. I am a sucker for pink and orange roses, so even though I tried to mix the colors, they are mostly pink. Light pink, dark pink, fuschia pink... Hey, they had different names.

Of course you can't have a nice flowerbed without a nice cement border. I think that was Mike's favorite part. Well, maybe not. Unfortunately for him it looked so good he had to go around the whole house and all the fruit trees in the backyard.  That's hundreds of cement blocks. I told him, "The good thing is you don't have to do it again." Umm, I guess that wasn't funny to him.

Mike working on the finished flowerbed

Taking out the overgrown plants

My sister, Bonnie, telling Mike how to put in a flower bed.

Our Inspiration- My sister's house

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